My journey with tradtional chinese medicine began with the simple desire of wanting better for myself. SInce giving birth to my two children I never quite felt like myself, always feeling out of place and unable to use my body how I once could. For years I have been plagued with a myriad of health issues and found myself struggling to find any relief. I would find myself in my family doctors office atleast once a week trying to find any solution or remedy. Eventually I took the advice of a friend who implored me to explore alternative methods after every traditional doctor reccomended therapy failed me and made some of the symptoms worsen. This would eventually become my introduction to TCM, after being introduced to it by a freind from yoga class.
Fast forward 4 years later and I have completed my education in TCMP from 3 different accredited Canadian schools, becoming a liscensed practicioner specializing in accpuncutrre, herbal prescriptions gua sha and cupping therapy.